Re: Recent Attacks

From: Paul D. Robertson (probertsat_private)
Date: Mon Feb 21 2000 - 05:37:24 PST

  • Next message: arkat_private: "Re: Recent Attacks"

    On Mon, 21 Feb 100, Darren Reed wrote:
    > In some email I received from Paul D. Robertson, sie wrote:
    > [...]
    > > Viruses have *clearly* cost more money over time, and yet I don't see the
    > > same outroar there.  I'm not sure if that's due to market dynamics (it's a
    > > good business to be in the "antivirus" vendor space), or if it's something
    > > else, or maybe the sentencing this week is the start of that?
    > Viruses are a problem which can be `managed'.  They're `damage' is also
    Only after the fact.
    > localized in effect - a pc here or there and aren't exactly something
    > which is high profile.  Keep backups of important data, etc, and you're
    Melissa dropped several companies e-mail systems off the Net for quite a
    > But these attacks do more than that.  They also, with their publicity,
    > suggest that perhaps the Internet isn't the most fabulous place to be
    > generating new business.  With all the billions of dollars put into
    > the Internet, the last thing a lot of people want to feel is that it's
    > wasted money or even at risk with no long term way of protecting people
    > from the DDoS attaks.
    Long-term there are plenty of ways to protect from DDoS attacks, and some
    of them will even work.  It's the short- to mid-term that's the problem.
    However, I still think that trying to call network scanners akin
    to munitions when VCL isn't is lopsided.  Then again, I think the idiot
    who put a programming language into a word processor should be shot.
    Paul D. Robertson      "My statements in this message are personal opinions
    probertsat_private      which may have no basis whatsoever in fact."

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