Re: Recent Attacks

From: Ryan Russell (ryanat_private)
Date: Tue Feb 22 2000 - 10:59:01 PST

  • Next message: Robert Graham: "Re: False uploads through NAPSTER"

    In case anyone was thinking I'm off-base in terms of claiming L0phtcrack
    would be one of the first on the list if you start outlawing security
    tools, take a look here:
    L0phtcrack is now officially a "burglary tool" if this news story is
    accurate.  Long-term, I suppose it will depend on whether the judge
    upholds the charge, but for short term, law enforcement has decided it's
    illegal.  For real-life burglary tools, such as locksmith type stuff, you
    can't carry them unless you're a licensed locksmith.  IANAL, but whether
    something is a burglary tool is dependant on local laws, so it's not true
    the world over.  However, once it's been designated a burglary tool,
    there's no confusion.
    So, since there doesn't currently exist any licensing or certification for
    whether someone is a "legitimate security professional" or equivalent,
    L0phtcrack will have to be presumed illegal.  If you live in Minneapolis,
    you better erase your copy and all evidence that you even had it, even if
    you purchased it or had a legitimate use for it.
    Note that in most cases, possesion of a burglary tool is a crime in
    itself, regardless if you've used it for anything.

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