Anti-Defacement Products...

From: Starkey, Kyle (Kyle.Starkeyat_private)
Date: Tue Feb 22 2000 - 10:44:26 PST

  • Next message: Ryan Russell: "Re: the expensive way to do DDoS ?"

    Hi Firewall Wiz's.... 
    I was thinking about defacement the other day and how to help automate a
    response to this type of activity.  I understand that host based security
    and network based security is the key, but what about response.  I am
    looking for a product that could be used to make sure the page being
    displayed was the real page.  Thoughts of encyting the page/code to get a
    hash and storing it somewhere inside the enterprise, periodically the
    webserver re-calcing the hash on the page stored locally and running a check
    against a the stored copy secured in box on the inside.  I would also
    envision the automatic posting of the original source back to the webserver
    and alerts bieng generated to the security officer if the two hashes did not
    match.  Does anyone know of any product that does something similar?  I was
    hoping not to have to build this from scratch, but perhaps it will be my
    little project.  Any thoughts about this project or software that might
    already do this for me would be greatly appreciated...
    Information Security
    MSDW Online

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