iPlanet Webtop proxy

From: Neil Ratzlaff (neil.ratzlaffat_private)
Date: Wed Feb 23 2000 - 15:06:20 PST

  • Next message: Darren Reed: "Re: Recent Attacks"

    I was asked to look at iPlanet Webtop for use in secure remote 
    communications - encryption of email, telnet, TN3270, etc.  Maybe more 
    things later.  Reading their web pages, I found a disquieting comment about 
    java sandbox security, copied below.  The general approach often talks 
    about how tunnelling through the firewall is so much better than opening a 
    port to the server.  Does anyone know about this product?
    The Netlet software works by downloading an applet, called a Netlet, from 
    the iPlanet Webtop server that works in conjunction with a reverse 
    multiplexing proxy on the server. Since both end points are controllable, 
    the traffic can be encrypted.
    The Netlet can also be used to redirect "emulation" applications, such as 
    Citrix, pcANYWHERE Express, and GraphOn's GO-Joe X emulation. Normally 
    these applications cannot get out of the Java "sandbox" and could only 
    connect back to the system from which they were spawned. However, the 
    Netlet completely eliminates this restriction transparently to the application. 

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