Re: Recent Attacks

From: daN. (danat_private)
Date: Wed Feb 23 2000 - 11:02:09 PST

  • Next message: David LeBlanc: "RE: Recent Attacks"

    I couldn't agree more, if you make these tools illegal, all you are doing 
    is driving things back underground, where someone who has no respect for 
    the law can use these tools to attack your site, but you can't use them to 
    defend yourself, it completely ridiculous to assume, that a hacked version 
    of a "protected" IIS wouldn't pop up a week after the original was released 
    in the underground somewhere I mean, do you think the guy who is scanning 
    your site with IIS paid for his copy? . A law of this kind would only be 
    detrimental to Internet security.
    At 03:15 PM 2/21/00 +0300, arkat_private wrote:
    >I don't think so. And if this ever happen, i'd not feel happy about it
    >at all. It is a) ineffective, _nothing_ can be done to prevent creation
    >and distribution of programs of any kind, including destructive ones -
    >that's the reality and it's better than if it could be
    >possible, i don't like the idea of restricting fundamental people's
    >freedom to create and distribute information at all - if this will happen,
    >there defenitely will be many other cases where THEY will try to apply
    >such a restriction b) hell, WHO are THEY to ALLOW me to do MY JOB?
    >"Marcus J. Ranum" <mjrat_private> said :
    > > Darren Reed writes:
    > > >So are you suggesting that perhaps it is time software such as ISS, etc,
    > > >to not only be made available with strict controls over which targets
    > > >they can be used against (article about this went to bugtraq some time
    > > >ago) but also be required for those buying the product/license keys
    > > >in order to undertake such work ?  I think this is almost a inevitable.
    > >
    > > So do I. Indeed, I think that it may boil down to some kind of
    > > professional certification being necessary. There are analogs
    > > to this - locksmithing certification, federal firearms license, etc.
    > > That's part of what I meant about how that grey area is going to
    > > get real thin, soon.
    >                                      _     _  _  _  _      _  _
    >  {::} {::} {::}  CU in Hell          _| o |_ | | _|| |   / _||_|   |_ |_ |_
    >  (##) (##) (##)        /Arkan#iD    |_  o  _||_| _||_| /   _|  | o |_||_||_|
    >  [||] [||] [||]            Do i believe in Bible? Hell,man,i've seen one!
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