FW-1 Hardware Requirements for 2MBit

From: Zimmermann, Heike (HZimmermannat_private)
Date: Thu Feb 24 2000 - 01:54:12 PST

  • Next message: James Bond: "VPN Client Software"

    we have a customer who wants to protect a 2MBit-connection to the internet
    with FW-1 v4.x.
    In his LAN he has about 1000 users who want to use this connection for
    surfing (HTTP)
    and Filetransfer (FTP).
    I think the operating system will be Solaris. I do not know wether it is
    (looking at performance) to do this on Windows NT.
    Can anyone give us some recommendations on the hardware (RAM, processor...)
    which one should take? 
    Thanks in advance

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