VPN Client Software

From: James Bond (dearecoveryforceat_private)
Date: Wed Feb 23 2000 - 14:09:47 PST

  • Next message: Matt Bruce: "RE: Linux Proxy Server ?"

    I am currently evaluating a VPN solution for remote
    users to access the internal network. The three
    vendors that made it into my evaluation are RedCreek
    Ravlinsoft, Checkpoint Secureremote and Nortel
    Contivitity. Does anybody have any pro's/con's with
    these client software solutions, specifically with
    security in mind...as the solution is software based
    and on user's machines, I am concerned about user's
    "bridging networks" and other security implications
    which someone might have experienced?
    thanks in advance....any information or horror stories
    will help.
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