Re: [fw-wiz] ipchains * static nat * FTP

From: Wes Chalfant (wesat_private)
Date: Thu Jun 14 2001 - 21:05:57 PDT

  • Next message: Jim Seymour: "[fw-wiz] Open Source HTTP Proxy for Firewall?"

    "Keith.Morgan" wrote:
    > I have a customer running an ipchains based firewall.  Using ipmasqadm
    > portfw we're doing static NAT to a webserver behind the firewall with
    > private address space.  I've been searching around the net for some time
    > trying to figure out how to open up FTP to a translated host behind the
    > firewall.  And before you ask, yes the ip_masq_ftp.o module is loaded on the
    > firewall, but this seems to only work for masqueraded hosts behind the fw
    > making ftp connections out to the internet.  Reversing the process (without
    > masq) doesn't seem to work.  The ftp server behind the firewall does *NOT*
    > support passive mode file transfer.
    > Is ipmasqadm portfw the wrong way to go with this?  Is ipmasqadm autofw the
    > way to go?  I could use references to good documentation on the use of both
    > portfw and autofw regardless of a solution to this problem.
    > Anyone have a pointer or reference?  Or just example command syntax that
    > would allow this?  Is is possible at all?
    	You do not need ip_masq_fw for what you are trying to do (port
    forwarding to a "active only" FTP server).
    	The port forwarding module correctly allows the primary connection to
    the FTP server through your firewall.  When the FTP server later tries
    to send data (whether a file or a directory listing), it opens a
    secondary connection from the server to the client.  It is probably
    this secondary connection that is not getting through your firewall. 
    If so, clients would be able to log in to the FTP server and copy
    files *to* the FTP server, but wouldn't be able to get a directory
    listing or copy files from the server.
    	The standard IP masquerading feature of ipchains/Linux can be used to
    allow the secondary data connections to go through.  You have to
    configure the firewall to masquerade ftp data connections from the FTP
    server.  Assuming that your FTP server opens data connections from the
    ftp-data TCP port (20), you could allow masquerading on just that
    connection with
       ipchains -A forward -p tcp -s <int-IP-addr> ftp-data -j MASQ
    where <int-IP-addr> is the internal IP address of the FTP server.  If
    the FTP server uses other source ports for opening data connections,
    you would to use
       ipchains -A forward -p tcp -s <int-IP-addr> -j MASQ
    	Note that for masquerading to work, you have to allow the receipt of
    packets from remote servers to the the remapped TCP port range used by
    masquerading.  For TCP, the masqueraded port range is 61000-65095.  At
    a minimum, you'd have to allow established TCP connections on these
    destination ports to enter the firewall so that the masquerading code
    can then forward/rewrite them appropriately.  This can be done with
    something like:
      ipchains -A input -p tcp -d <ext-IP-addr> 61000:65095 ! -y -j ACCEPT
    where <ext-IP-addr> is the external IP address being used for the FTP
    connections (often the firewall external IP address, but not always). 
    Note that this is the most restrictive rule that will work; ipchains
    firewalls are often set up to allow TCP traffic to all non protected
    ports (1024 and above) rather than just the IP masquerade range.
    	Although you said you didn't need it, it is possible to support
    passive FTP on a port forwarded FTP server.  In that case, you *do*
    need ip_masq_ftp.  You have to tell ip_masq_ftp which ports will be
    used for incoming FTP connections so that the ip_masq_ftp code can
    recognize and handle PASV commands.  For example, if you set up port
    forwarding to your FTP server with
      ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L <ext-IP-addr> <portnum> -R
    <int-IP-addr> ftp
    you'd need to tell ip_masq_ftp to monitor <portnum>.  You do this with
    the the "in_ports" parameter to ip_masq_ftp  If you're using modprobe
    to load ip_masq_ftp, the easiest way to do this is to add the line
      options ip_masq_ftp in_ports=<portnum>
    to /etc/modules.conf.  Note that this is necessary even if you're
    using the standard FTP port number (21).  Finally, you have to allow
    external systems to establish TCP connections to the masqueraded
    passive data ports; instead of the ipchains input rule above, you'd
      ipchains -A input -p tcp -d <ext-IP-addr> 61000:65095 -j ACCEPT
    Wes Chalfant              Peabody Systems             wesat_private
                              (714) 639-8643              FAX (714)
    firewall-wizards mailing list

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