Re: [fw-wiz] SANS Top Ten and Commercial Firewalls

From: Paul Robertson (probertsat_private)
Date: Fri Oct 04 2002 - 09:43:01 PDT

  • Next message: Ben Nagy: "RE: [fw-wiz] stealth ports and IDS"

    On Fri, 4 Oct 2002, Devdas Bhagat wrote:
    > [OT] Can we please follow the LKML rule that if there is no specific
    > request for an offlist reply, then the reply should go only to the list?
    > I am on the list.
    There are several reasons for me replying both to the list and the 
    (A) My mail client doesn't make it easy to reply only to the 
    list (on this message, reply was only to you, reply to all lists the list 
    as a CC and I have to cut and paste...  That's simply too much work to do 
    each time, and due to other lists and issues, I'm not willing to start 
    mucking with my mailer's configuration) 
    (B) Replies may not be approved 
    [in this case I personally know the likelyhood, but that's not always the 
    case ;)] 
    (C) I like to keep thoughts going even when the list is slow and/or I 
    don't expect the replies to get approved (this one probably wouldn't have 
    been, as it wasn't interesting to the list as a whole, but I figured I'd 
    put this part out in case there was any interesting discussion.)  Replying 
    to the people in the thread allows faster dialog with those so engaged.  
    (D) Folks sometimes like to reply off-list to thread participants, so 
    having them in the headers makes that easy. 
    I've filtered by message-id in the past to stop from getting duplicate 
    posts, but it really hasn't bothered me enough to do of late.  I sometimes 
    find that to the list versus to me is an easy way to deal with excessive 
    list postings verus stuff I'm interested in.
    If there's enough consensus that it's horrible, I'm willing to consider 
    changing it (I'd prefer most of the discussion to be off-list though, it's 
    too boring a subject to subject everyone to.)
    Paul D. Robertson      "My statements in this message are personal opinions
    probertsat_private      which may have no basis whatsoever in fact."
    probertsonat_private Director of Risk Assessment TruSecure Corporation
    firewall-wizards mailing list

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