Re: [fw-wiz] OBSD reaction to CERT advisory

From: Daniel Hartmeier (danielat_private)
Date: Wed Oct 09 2002 - 07:05:29 PDT

  • Next message: Darren Reed: "Re: [fw-wiz] Multiple firewalls ruleset bypass through FTP. Again. (CERT VU#328867)"

    On Wed, Oct 09, 2002 at 09:27:12AM -0400, Paul D. Robertson wrote:
    Part of that statement is a quote from an (internal) email I sent in
    reply to the question whether OpenBSD was vulnerable. That explains the
    undiplomatic choice of words.
    The reason IPFilter is referenced is the fact that OpenBSD did ship with
    this packet filter prior to release 3.0, hence I think the vendor
    statement should include this distinction.
    > Statements like "The problem is in ipf" when there's been zero 
    > actual verification, let alone communication with the author should be 
    > taken as disinformation.
    Look at the source, it's obvious that selective ACK retransmissions
    fool the in-kernel ftp proxy. I don't think it's necessary to provide an
    actual exploit to proof the vulnerability. If, after reading the source,
    you don't agree that IPFilter, in a configuration where the in-kernel
    ftp proxy should protect the ftp _server_, is vulnerable to this kind of
    attack, let me know.
    I strongly believe that placing any application level proxy at the
    packet filter layer is fundamentally flawed.
    firewall-wizards mailing list

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