Re: [fw-wiz] Multiple firewalls ruleset bypass through FTP. Again. (CERT VU#328867)

From: Darren Reed (darrenrat_private)
Date: Wed Oct 09 2002 - 07:55:40 PDT

  • Next message: R. DuFresne: "Re: [fw-wiz] Multiple firewalls ruleset bypass through FTP. Again. (CERT VU#328867)"

    > On behalf of ICSA Labs, I would also like to thank Mikael for working
    > with us to ensure that the vendors in the program had time to address
    > this issue before the exploit was announced. He made sure we
    > understood the issue and took the time to document it thoroughly.
    > This enabled us to give the vendors enough information to reproduce
    > the issue and deliver fixes if needed. It also went a long way in
    > facilitating the initial contact with CERT.
    > It is this type of partnership we welcome and encourage in the
    > future.
    > Brian Monkman
    In comparison, being on the other side of CERT for a couple of
    un-named BSD's, information seemed to flow very badly, if at
    all.  I don't know who's to blame for that but it is not something
    that made my life easier or more enjoyable.  Obviously a case of
    where trying to use the "correct channels" failed (at least from
    my perspective.)
    I look at CERT's information for Sun and it mentions "in.ftpd".
    Hmmm, maybe I'm wrong to be concerned if Sun are responding to
    it for in.ftpd and not SunScreen ;-)
    Back to the information/exploit...
    The first test program I received didn't even compile, never mind work,
    the second was better but even having people say (in other forums) that
    ipfilter was vulnerable, I failed to make it happen no matter who's ftpd
    I used or whic "suspect" version of IPFilter I used.  I guess the
    ability to declare code vulnerable by inspection doesn't compare to
    actually doing a real live test 
    On top of that, the note I received mentioned "selective ACK".
    If you go and lookup what "selective ACK" in TCP is, you'll find
    information on something completely different to what was done
    with this "exploit".
    Sometimes it just sucks big time when working on free projects where
    you don't get help that's afforded to vendors such as that ISCA obviously
    made available.  Envious?  Definately.
    firewall-wizards mailing list

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