Re: [fw-wiz] OBSD reaction to CERT advisory

From: Daniel Hartmeier (danielat_private)
Date: Thu Oct 10 2002 - 00:20:07 PDT

  • Next message: Dragos Ruiu: "Re: [fw-wiz] Tunnel intruder"

    On Thu, Oct 10, 2002 at 10:48:00AM +1000, Darren Reed wrote:
    > > If anyone fancies a little
    > > competition, set up an ftp server behind an IPFilter firewall. Allow me
    > > to connect to the ftp server (using passive mode, so the in-kernel ftp
    > > proxy allows incoming ftp data connections). Setup a fake target, like
    > > an echo "secret" inetd.conf entry, and absolutely filter any access to
    > > that port on the firewall. If I can connect to that port and get the
    > > secret, I win. How much are you betting?
    > How much are you prepared to lose ?
    Let's say USD 500? We'd need a fair judge to set up the firewall and ftp
    server, I guess that takes about an hour or so of work. We could both
    escrow the amount to the judge (wire, paypal, whatever). If, after a
    defined period of time (say, three days), I can provide the secret to
    the judge, I win. Otherwise I lose. If the judge is willing to provide
    his/her services for free, the winner takes both bets, otherwise we
    could agree that the judge gets the loser's share and the winner just
    gets his money back, plus public statements acknowledging the results
    from the judge and the opponent.
    If you have any specific rules you want to add, please do so. Agree that
    IPFilter of any recent version, on any OS it runs on, in either bridging
    or IP forwarding mode can be used?
    Maybe Paul is willing to act as judge? How high would the bet have to be
    to justify providing the firewall and ftp server? Otherwise, is anyone
    else interested?
    Mikael, can you recommend a suitable OS and ftp daemon combination that
    allows testing (the ftp server has commands that quote queries in the
    needed way and the OS' stack does partial retransmissions)?
    firewall-wizards mailing list

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