Re: [fw-wiz] OBSD reaction to CERT advisory

From: Darren Reed (darrenrat_private)
Date: Wed Oct 09 2002 - 17:48:00 PDT

  • Next message: Harald Koch: "[fw-wiz] Re: Tunnel intruder"

    In some email I received from Daniel Hartmeier, sie wrote:
    > And, yes, based solely on code inspection, I'm very confident that
    > IPFilter is vulnerable to this attack.
    Note, this statement: "code inspection".  Not a code walk through or
    even an actual test.
    > If anyone fancies a little
    > competition, set up an ftp server behind an IPFilter firewall. Allow me
    > to connect to the ftp server (using passive mode, so the in-kernel ftp
    > proxy allows incoming ftp data connections). Setup a fake target, like
    > an echo "secret" inetd.conf entry, and absolutely filter any access to
    > that port on the firewall. If I can connect to that port and get the
    > secret, I win. How much are you betting?
    How much are you prepared to lose ?
    firewall-wizards mailing list

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