[fw-wiz] Help w/ Port 137 Traffic

From: Mike McCandless (michaelat_private)
Date: Sat Oct 12 2002 - 20:31:57 PDT

  • Next message: Paul D. Robertson: "Re: [fw-wiz] Help w/ Port 137 Traffic"

    I have seen an increase in (unsolicited) traffic to port 137 at my
    firewall. My default
    firewall policy (using iptables) is to deny, so 137 traffic is not
    getting through.  I have used Ethereal (a network sniffer) to see the
    content of the UDP packets and the consistent theme is:
    In the Flags section - broadcast packet is 1 (I assume this means yes)
    In the Queries section
    - Name is a bunch of 0's and Workstation/Redirector in parens
    - Type is NBSTAT
    - Class is inet
    Can someone tell me what the source of these are?  I have done a reverse
    DNS lookup on several source IPs and don't see any pattern.
    Mike McCandless
    firewall-wizards mailing list

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