RE: [fw-wiz] RE: Help w/ Port 137 Traffic

From: Stefan Norberg (stefanat_private)
Date: Sun Oct 13 2002 - 10:52:41 PDT

  • Next message: R. DuFresne: "Re: [fw-wiz] RE: Help w/ Port 137 Traffic"

    > Thanks for all the replies.  The change I believe I will make 
    > in my firewall rules is to explicitly block inbound 137-139 
    > traffic.  My default iptables policy is to deny, and these 
    > are not ports I have opened up, so....they should be being 
    > blocked, but an extra rule to catch this up front won't hurt.
    I tend to build firewall rulebases that does the following (don't know
    if this is common practice/knowledge out there):
    1) Accept rules for traffic to the firewall device itself go first (such
    as ssh, fw-gui).
    2) Explicit drop for all other traffic to the firewall device.
    3) General accept rules (ordered by system - high volume stuff first).
    4) Silent drop of some stuff that just fills up the logs and add litte
    value, such as udp/137. Drop certain internal ip's that scans the
    internal network all the time. And so on.
    5) Drop and log everything else.
    In general you don't want to use block/reject, since it sends out a TCP
    RST (for TCP) or ICMP port unreach for UDP. An example where you would
    you block/reject is to avoid timeouts for valid traffic such as identd.
    > I have to add one clarification to the scenario and apologize 
    > for not including this up front:  could running Samba (as a 
    > master browser/file server - not domain controller) be the 
    > source of the problem?  Are there some outbound ports I 
    > should be blocking when (I assume) Samba announces itself 
    > periodically as the master browser?
    You should block ALL outbound (and inbound) traffic that isn't
    explicitly needed for your system to function.
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: firewall-wizards-adminat_private 
    > [mailto:firewall-wizards-adminat_private] On Behalf 
    > Of Mike McCandless
    > Sent: Sunday, October 13, 2002 4:13 PM
    > To: firewall-wizardsat_private
    > Subject: [fw-wiz] RE: Help w/ Port 137 Traffic
    > Thanks for all the replies.  The change I believe I will make 
    > in my firewall rules is to explicitly block inbound 137-139 
    > traffic.  My default iptables policy is to deny, and these 
    > are not ports I have opened up, so....they should be being 
    > blocked, but an extra rule to catch this up front won't hurt.
    > I have to add one clarification to the scenario and apologize 
    > for not including this up front:  could running Samba (as a 
    > master browser/file server - not domain controller) be the 
    > source of the problem?  Are there some outbound ports I 
    > should be blocking when (I assume) Samba announces itself 
    > periodically as the master browser?
    > --------------------------------------------------------
    > Mike McCandless
    > michaelat_private
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