RE: [fw-wiz] RE: Help w/ Port 137 Traffic

From: Bill Royds (broydsat_private)
Date: Mon Oct 14 2002 - 14:56:53 PDT

  • Next message: Miha Vitorovic: "Re: [fw-wiz] RE: Help w/ Port 137 Traffic"

    Below is an example of a WINS port 137/udp packet broken out by Ethereal  and a DNS packet. Notice the basic similarity with WINS adding a few flags and encoding the text differently. Using the ethereal code may allow you to create your own extractor. This come from my home LAN
    Frame 18 (104 bytes on wire, 104 bytes captured)
        Arrival Time: Oct 14, 2002 17:26:30.373491000
        Time delta from previous packet: 0.000102000 seconds
        Time relative to first packet: 271.548191000 seconds
        Frame Number: 18
        Packet Length: 104 bytes
        Capture Length: 104 bytes
    Ethernet II, Src: 00:80:c8:de:8b:7d, Dst: 00:00:e8:55:6c:b2
        Destination: 00:00:e8:55:6c:b2 (ACCTON_55:6c:b2)
        Source: 00:80:c8:de:8b:7d (BILL-NT)
        Type: IP (0x0800)
    Internet Protocol, Src Addr: BILL-NT (, Dst Addr: RHODA (
        Version: 4
        Header length: 20 bytes
        Type of service: 0x00 (None)
            000. .... = Precedence: routine (0)
            ...0 .... = Delay: Normal
            .... 0... = Throughput: Normal
            .... .0.. = Reliability: Normal
            .... ..0. = Cost: Normal
        Total Length: 90
        Identification: 0x863b
        Flags: 0x00
            .0.. = Don't fragment: Not set
            ..0. = More fragments: Not set
        Fragment offset: 0
        Time to live: 128
        Protocol: UDP (0x11)
        Header checksum: 0x323c (correct)
        Source: BILL-NT (
        Destination: RHODA (
    User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: nbname (137), Dst Port: nbname (137)
        Source port: nbname (137)
        Destination port: nbname (137)
        Length: 70
        Checksum: 0x6384 (correct)
    NetBIOS Name Service
        Transaction ID: 0x04aa
        Flags: 0xad86 (Registration response, Name is owned by another node)
            1... .... .... .... = Response: Message is a response
            .010 1... .... .... = Opcode: Registration (5)
            .... .1.. .... .... = Authoritative: Server is an authority for domain
            .... ..0. .... .... = Truncated: Message is not truncated
            .... ...1 .... .... = Recursion desired: Do query recursively
            .... .... 1... .... = Recursion available: Server can do recursive queries
            .... .... ...0 .... = Broadcast: Not a broadcast packet
            .... .... .... 0110 = Reply code: Name is owned by another node (6)
        Questions: 0
        Answer RRs: 1
        Authority RRs: 0
        Additional RRs: 0
            BELLAMY-ROYDS<1d>: type NB, class inet
                Name: BELLAMY-ROYDS<1d> (Local Master Browser)
                Type: NB
                Class: inet
                Time to live: 0 time
                Data length: 6
                Flags: 0x0 (B-node, unique)
                    0... .... .... .... = Unique name
                    .00. .... .... .... = B-node
    Here is a DNS query response
    Frame 2 (198 bytes on wire, 198 bytes captured)
        Arrival Time: Oct 14, 2002 17:49:52.700077000
        Time delta from previous packet: 0.090657000 seconds
        Time relative to first packet: 0.090657000 seconds
        Frame Number: 2
        Packet Length: 198 bytes
        Capture Length: 198 bytes
    Ethernet II, Src: 00:50:18:09:be:62, Dst: 00:80:c8:de:8b:7d
        Destination: 00:80:c8:de:8b:7d (BILL-NT)
        Source: 00:50:18:09:be:62 (gateway)
        Type: IP (0x0800)
    Internet Protocol, Src Addr: (, Dst Addr: BILL-NT (
        Version: 4
        Header length: 20 bytes
        Type of service: 0x00 (None)
            000. .... = Precedence: routine (0)
            ...0 .... = Delay: Normal
            .... 0... = Throughput: Normal
            .... .0.. = Reliability: Normal
            .... ..0. = Cost: Normal
        Total Length: 184
        Identification: 0x90b9
        Flags: 0x04
            .1.. = Don't fragment: Set
            ..0. = More fragments: Not set
        Fragment offset: 0
        Time to live: 248
        Protocol: UDP (0x11)
        Header checksum: 0x0099 (correct)
        Source: (
        Destination: BILL-NT (
    User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: domain (53), Dst Port: 2230 (2230)
        Source port: domain (53)
        Destination port: 2230 (2230)
        Length: 164
        Checksum: 0x692e (correct)
    Domain Name System (response)
        Transaction ID: 0x0005
        Flags: 0x8180 (Standard query response, No error)
            1... .... .... .... = Response: Message is a response
            .000 0... .... .... = Opcode: Standard query (0)
            .... .0.. .... .... = Authoritative: Server is not an authority for domain
            .... ..0. .... .... = Truncated: Message is not truncated
            .... ...1 .... .... = Recursion desired: Do query recursively
            .... .... 1... .... = Recursion available: Server can do recursive queries
            .... .... ..0. .... = Answer authenticated: Answer/authority portion was not authenticated by the server
            .... .... .... 0000 = Reply code: No error (0)
        Questions: 1
        Answer RRs: 1
        Authority RRs: 3
        Additional RRs: 3
   type A, class inet
                Type: Host address
                Class: inet
   type A, class inet, addr
                Type: Host address
                Class: inet
                Time to live: 2 hours, 54 minutes, 40 seconds
                Data length: 4
        Authoritative nameservers
   type NS, class inet, ns NS1.OSDN.COM
                Type: Authoritative name server
                Class: inet
                Time to live: 2 hours, 54 minutes, 35 seconds
                Data length: 14
                Name server: NS1.OSDN.COM
   type NS, class inet, ns NS2.OSDN.COM
                Type: Authoritative name server
                Class: inet
                Time to live: 2 hours, 54 minutes, 35 seconds
                Data length: 6
                Name server: NS2.OSDN.COM
   type NS, class inet, ns NS3.OSDN.COM
                Type: Authoritative name server
                Class: inet
                Time to live: 2 hours, 54 minutes, 35 seconds
                Data length: 6
                Name server: NS3.OSDN.COM
        Additional records
            NS1.OSDN.COM: type A, class inet, addr
                Name: NS1.OSDN.COM
                Type: Host address
                Class: inet
                Time to live: 23 hours, 50 minutes, 14 seconds
                Data length: 4
            NS2.OSDN.COM: type A, class inet, addr
                Name: NS2.OSDN.COM
                Type: Host address
                Class: inet
                Time to live: 22 hours, 17 minutes, 20 seconds
                Data length: 4
            NS3.OSDN.COM: type A, class inet, addr
                Name: NS3.OSDN.COM
                Type: Host address
                Class: inet
                Time to live: 20 hours, 53 minutes, 41 seconds
                Data length: 4
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Bill Royds [mailto:broydsat_private]
    Sent: Mon October 14 2002 10:31
    To: Luca Berra; firewall-wizardsat_private
    Subject: RE: [fw-wiz] RE: Help w/ Port 137 Traffic
    The netbios Name query/response packets are in the same format as DNS query/response packets, just on port 137 instead of 53 so you could use DNS tools connected to port 137 instead of SAMBA. This doesn't help with port 139 traffic although Ethereal has a good netbios dissector.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: firewall-wizards-adminat_private
    [mailto:firewall-wizards-adminat_private]On Behalf Of Luca
    Sent: Mon October 14 2002 02:50
    To: firewall-wizardsat_private
    Subject: Re: [fw-wiz] RE: Help w/ Port 137 Traffic
    as a last note i am also getting many probes on port 137 and 139, but
    they seem unrelated, i might try answering to netbios-ns lookups and see
    what happens, if i find a smaller beast than samba to use, that is.
    firewall-wizards mailing list

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