RE: [fw-wiz] CERT vulnerability note VU# 539363

From: Stephen Gill (gillsrat_private)
Date: Wed Oct 16 2002 - 11:42:11 PDT

  • Next message: Balazs Scheidler: "Re: [fw-wiz] RE: Firewall Utilization"

    Hi Paul,
    [re: stateless filtering]
    ] I find it slightly useful for UDP, but overall think the added
    ] doesn't bring much in the way of protection if you carefully design
    ] architecture.
    I agree fully.  Performance gains aside, the security gained from
    stateful filtering is not always that much.  Current convention would
    have you think so, but there is a lot to be said for ACL's ;).  
    On the other hand, I find it much easier to configure stateful rules on
    a firewall especially when things like NAT are involved.  Having a
    device that has a construct of established connections usually makes it
    easier to configure and manage directional flows.
    ] The performance information that this thread has started IS
    ] and it's started me wondering about the whole "filter on a router vs. 
    ] firewall" thing again.
    -- steve
    firewall-wizards mailing list

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