[fw-wiz] RE: CERT vulnerability note VU# 539363

From: Stephen Gill (gillsrat_private)
Date: Wed Oct 16 2002 - 15:00:10 PDT

  • Next message: Philip J. Koenig: "[fw-wiz] RE: CERT vulnerability note VU# 539363"

    In V4.0 the syntax has changed somewhat for the aforementioned command,
    though the concept still applies...
    set zone <zone> screen limit-session source-ip-based <threshold>
    I've requested something like 
    set zone <zone> screen limit-session dest-ip-based <threshold>
    but I've not seen it in code yet.  If I'm not mistaken I believe CP has
    added the ability to do both recently.
    -- steve
    From: "Philip J. Koenig" <pjklistat_private>
    Organization: The Electric Kahuna Organization
    To: firewall-wizardsat_private
    Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2002 11:50:41 -0700
    Subject: Re: [fw-wiz] CERT vulnerability note VU# 539363
    Reply-To: pjklistat_private
    > Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2002 15:53:37 +0200
    > From: Daniel Hartmeier <danielat_private>
    > On Wed, Oct 16, 2002 at 08:20:09AM -0500, Stephen Gill wrote:
    > > In my opinion if a stateful firewall claims it can filter at rate X 
    > > (64byte packets, etc...), it should be able to filter at that rate 
    > > under all conditions.
    > Obviously, for any X, when each packet is part of a TCP handshake, the
    > X/2 (or /3, depending on how you count) newly established connections 
    > per second will exhaust memory on the firewall after a certain amount 
    > of time.
    > I don't think you meant 'be able to filter at that rate' to include 
    > 'dropping legitimate connections when running out of memory', did you?
    > > I'd like to learn some of the other methods being used for 
    > > mitigation amongst vendors.
    > Yes, that's what I'd find most intersting to read in vendor statements
    > myself. :)
    > Daniel
    In addition to a syn-flood prevention thingy which at a user-
    configurable threshold will start dropping X percent of new SYN 
    connections, Netscreen has a feature where you can limit the number 
    of sessions a particular IP address can generate, ie:
        set firewall session-threshold source-ip-based 1000
    This would seem to be helpful for various things (ie code-red 
    infected internal hosts), unless you're getting a random IP-address-
    spoofed incoming DoS.
    Philip J. Koenig                                       
    Electric Kahuna Systems -- Computers & Communications for the New 
    firewall-wizards mailing list

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