[fw-wiz] RE: CERT vulnerability note VU# 539363

From: Philip J. Koenig (pjklistat_private)
Date: Wed Oct 16 2002 - 18:05:00 PDT

  • Next message: Stephen Gill: "[fw-wiz] RE: CERT vulnerability note VU# 539363"

    On 16 Oct 2002 at 17:00, Stephen Gill boldly uttered: 
    > In V4.0 the syntax has changed somewhat for the aforementioned command,
    > though the concept still applies...
    > set zone <zone> screen limit-session source-ip-based <threshold>
    > I've requested something like 
    > set zone <zone> screen limit-session dest-ip-based <threshold>
    > but I've not seen it in code yet.  If I'm not mistaken I believe CP has
    > added the ability to do both recently.
    > -- steve
    OK, but the nice thing about the source-based rule is it's not very 
    likely to drop legitimate traffic (unless you misconfigure it without 
    any sense of your normal traffic profile), whereas a destination-
    based rule could easily cause that problem, particularly for public 
    On a slightly off-topic note - do you find ScreenOS stable?  I 
    avoided it for stability reasons at a newly-deployed site but it 
    would have been convenient to start off with it because when the time 
    comes to upgrade it looks like I'll have to re-architect lots of the 
    rules to adapt to its new syntax.
    Philip J. Koenig                                       
    Electric Kahuna Systems -- Computers & Communications for the New 
    firewall-wizards mailing list

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