RE: [fw-wiz] Proverbial appliance vs software based firewall

From: Scot Hartman (shartmanat_private)
Date: Thu Oct 17 2002 - 11:19:34 PDT

  • Next message: Nigel McLellan (DSL AK): "RE: [fw-wiz] PIX Firewall IP Addresses"

    "Philip J. Koenig" wrote:
    >   Now Checkpoint has commissioned a test that purports to show
    >   their product performs better than "dedicated hardware" from
    >   Cisco and Netscreen.  I would like to have people's opinion
    >   on this test, in part because my observation of Tolly Group
    >   test reports is that they're one of these "guns for hire"
    >   that never writes a bad review for someone who pays them for
    >   one.
    >   I just skimmed through it and one thing that stuck out in one
    >   of the tests was that they were testing only UDP traffic, which
    >   struck me a bit strange because that has to be a small part of
    >   typical VPN traffic.
    Interesting.  Their testing doesn't peer like-vendor devices.
    In the 3DES VPN Throughput test, while using large, eye-catching 
    graphics, they have the CP and NS show the same performance numbers 
    for larger packets.  
    Reading down into the notes you see that they peered all devices with
    the Checkpoint box.
    "DUT (Devices under test) were peered with a Check Point device.  The
    Check Point device may have limited the NetScreen's throughput..."
      -  Ya think?  
      -  Maybe?  
      -  Could the environment have been designed to account for this?
    I'm all for competitive results, but I hate rosy pictures that seem
    to hedge results or bury significant information (test environment, 
    OS/hardware versions, etc.). 
    Scot Hartman
    firewall-wizards mailing list

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