Re: [fw-wiz] Proverbial appliance "Its software, Jim!"

From: Stephen D. B. Wolthusen (woltat_private)
Date: Thu Oct 17 2002 - 10:54:11 PDT

  • Next message: Scot Hartman: "RE: [fw-wiz] Proverbial appliance vs software based firewall"

    Mike Frantzen <frantzenat_private> writes:
    > There are two applicable difference between a hardware firewall and a
    > software firewall.  In hardware, everything happens in parrallel (well,
    > every stage, you'll latch between stages to produce a sequential
    > pipeline).  And the other difference, is that hardware testing standards
    > are orders of magnitude better than software testing standards.
    > The first person who tells me VHDL or Verilog is software gets labeled
    > a dumbass.
    Then call me dumb***, but I've been called worse. Your argumentation is a
    bit disingenuous. An ASIC is a piece of software where I have to consider
    some additional constraints for signal pathways and
    suchlike. Fundamentally, there's nothing different from ``soft'' software,
    except for a few more things that can go wrong. 
    Hardware developers traditionally have a higher standard for design,
    development, and testing methods than the software crowd. Mainly because
    even bean counters can understand that fixing bugs downstream in
    custom/full custom design is hideously expensive. Reprogrammable
    architectures, microcode patches etc. may well erode this barrier to sloppy
    To quote Mike Feldman, the motto of the software industry is ``We never
    have time to do it right, but we always have time to do it over.'' Always
    has been, still is.
    > > It
    > > doesn't matter if you're design tool is back-of-the-envelope or the best
    > > that Rational has to offer.  You're still human and fallible.
    That's why you try to eliminate the human factor as much as possible. 
    Use formal methods for your design and specification. Fancy UML diagrams
    still leave enough ambiguity to be mostly a feel-good exercise. 
    Refine this as far down to actual code as you can afford (getting
    ``executable'' FM specifications is frequently too expensive both in terms
    of computational efficiency and actual monetary cost), in some cases such
    as control systems for weapons systems and avionics, it can be justified to
    go to the level of program proofs (with tools such as Z/EVES or the SPARK
    suite, that can be managed).
    Depending on the level of rigor with which formal methods are used, defect
    rate reductions have been reported in case studies ranging from 5x to
    around 100x. 
    Use a programming language that assists the programmer, and doesn't permit
    him to overwrite arbitrary storage six ways from Sunday. Plus, use a
    language that is well-defined in its syntax and semantics (Hint: neither C
    nor C++ nor Java nor... is). 
    For Ada 95 it is hard to get compilers that have not been evaluated for
    conformance to the ISO standard with a torture test suite; the rigid
    semantics were one of the reasons why it was chosen as a basis for VHDL. In
    case of C/C++ I can't even be sure what the semantics of an operation is.
    Again, case studies have shown that all else being equal, Ada programs have
    a defect rate about 10x lower than C, so it's *not* just a matter of a
    different syntax as some people are likely to claim.
    Now an exercise for the reader: How many projects (OK, anyone who uses
    ``DO-178B'' and similar acronyms in conversation won't count) you know of
    use formal methods for design and specification and derive their code by
    rigorous correspondence argument or proof in a language with well-defined
    OK, that was my rant for this month. 
    Fraunhofer-IGD                 | mailto:
    Stephen Wolthusen              | woltat_private
    Fraunhoferstr. 5  	       | swolthusenat_private
    64283 Darmstadt                | swolthusenat_private
    GERMANY                        | stephenat_private
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