Two questions

From: Portnoy, Gary (gportnoyat_private)
Date: Thu Apr 12 2001 - 12:04:46 PDT

  • Next message: James W. Abendschan: "Re: Common occurrence in my logs"

    Two completely unrelated questions:
    1.  If a machine is being SYN flooded, once the connection queue is filled,
    is it
    a) going to respond with RST,
    b) going to respond with ICMP Source Quench
    c) not going to respond at all.
    The reason I am asking is that once in a while, I see packets with R and A
    bits set destined to a few hosts on my network that are silent.  The only
    logical explanation is that their IP's are used in a spoofed flood attack,
    and the RSTACK are the residuals.  Am I correct?
    2.  Is there an app, that'll listen on assigned ports, complete the 3 way
    handshake, and log everything that's sent to it.  I want to be able to log
    the various exploits without actually running the vulnerable services, so
    something that listens on port 111, or 53, or 21 and logs the connections
    would be great.  Can netcat do this?  After this email, I am going to go
    Gary Portnoy
    Network Administrator
    PGP Fingerprint: 9D69 6A39 642D 78FD 207C  307D B37D E01A 2E89 9D2C

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