Re: Increase in Sun RPC Scans

From: Muenther, Jan (janat_private)
Date: Thu Apr 19 2001 - 12:22:21 PDT

  • Next message: Crist Clark: "Strange Ident Packets"

    > determine what type of scans these are. I assume it is one of the
    > various
    > recent Linux worms.
    Quite right. This also the reason for the increase in 53/udp scans (for
    the current bind exploits) and 515/tcp (RedHat 7.0 lpd exploit). As far
    as I know, Ramen and Lion use these exploits to spread. So if you
    receive these scans, there's probably not directly a malevolent human
    behind it, but it's an infected Linux box trying to spread the word.
    As for Ramen I could say the integrated scan tool is probably synscan
    by psychoid, these packets can easily be identified for they all have
    src port == dest port, ID == 39426 and window size of 0x404.
    When I get those scans and I have the necessary time I check whether
    the originating host has really been cracked and then try to contact
    the tech contact whois tells me.
    Cheers, Jan
    Radio HUNDERT,6 Medien GmbH Berlin
    - EDV -

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