Re: Increase in Sun RPC Scans

From: Joe Butin (joe.b.butinat_private)
Date: Thu Apr 19 2001 - 08:52:55 PDT

  • Next message: Muenther, Jan: "Re: Increase in Sun RPC Scans"

    WiredNews (,1283,43134,00.html) is
    reporting that Chinese hackers are preparing for a week-login crack
    attack (nicknamed "Red Tide" or the "Labor Day Strike", depending on who
    is speaking) against U.S. websites in retaliation for the "spy-plane
    incident". The attack is supposed to last from May 1st to the 7th,
    peaking on "Youth Day", May 4th.
    I submit these port scans are possible reconnaissance in preparation for
    the “Red Tide” attacks to come. (Read DDoS attacks.)
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Jason Lewis" <jlewisat_private>
    To: <INCIDENTSat_private>
    Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 11:28 PM
    Subject: Increase in Sun RPC Scans
    > Anyone else seeing an increase in SunRPC (port 111) scans?  Several
    > I manage are getting scanned from lots of different hosts.
    > The scans are random IP's on the same subnet, I guess to evade IDS?
    > Jason Lewis
    > "All you can do is manage the risks. There is no security."

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