Re: Another incident of hack attempts from a Chinese host

From: John Oliver (joliverat_private)
Date: Mon Apr 23 2001 - 16:36:04 PDT

  • Next message: Jason Olsen: "Re: Increase in Sun RPC Scans"

    Eric Kimminau wrote:
    > I don't want to hear any of this stuff about "we just register the
    > netblock. We don't have anything to do with administering that host",
    > whioch is what I have gotten the last 4 reported hack incidents I have
    > reported.
    My response is:
    "You're the only contact I can find.  Please forward my report on to
    whoever it is that's actually responsible for that host and make sure
    that they take heed.  If you don't, you'll just keep getting reports
    about this, as there's no way for anybody to contact anyone but you".
    For the most part, though, they just never respond at all.
    John Oliver, System Administrator
    ConnectNet, an Allegiance Telecom company
    6370 Lusk Blvd. Ste F103                                (858) 638-2020
    San Diego, CA. 92121                               FAX: (858) 623-1505

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