Re: Increase in Sun RPC Scans

From: Jason Olsen (ferenat_private)
Date: Mon Apr 23 2001 - 20:06:11 PDT

  • Next message: auto222418at_private: "Re: Sun RPC Scans, Port 111/530/32k"

    > Anyone else seeing an increase in SunRPC (port 
    111) scans?  Several networks
    > I manage are getting scanned from lots of different 
    > The scans are random IP's on the same subnet, I 
    guess to evade IDS?
    I saw a scan come in today on my home network (I 
    have DSL with a /27 subnet).  My firewall intercepted 
    it and blackholed the packets, and my routine log 
    analysis showed me a trend.  I tracked it back to a 
    Media One IP address, and am taking action by 
    complaining to MO.  I doubt they'll do anything, but I'm 
    going to make sure that they understand I'm not 
    happy about it.

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