Re: Another incident of hack attempts from a Chinese host

From: Robert G. Ferrell (rootat_private)
Date: Tue Apr 24 2001 - 10:18:14 PDT

  • Next message: Hugo van der Kooij: "Re: Increase in Sun RPC Scans"

    >	Now of all the admins that contacted me from those hosts. I can
    >tell you that those that were polite almost immediately received a
    >response from me to the effect that we're very sorry and that the matter
    >has been dealt with and will not occur again however the rude ones did not
    >get an answer back and will probably post to some list somewhere
    >complaining about unhelpful admins.
    Folks, the overriding message is here is that courtesy breeds courtesy,
    whereas contempt breeds contempt.  We're all overworked and stressed;
    it doesn't make a lot of sense to vent your frustrations on the very
    person who might conceivably be able to help you deal with an intrusion.
    Remember that Golden Rule thing most of us learned as children (by
    one name or another).  Like most true wisdom, it's simple but effective.
    Robert G. Ferrell, CISSP
    Information Systems Security Officer
    National Business Center
    U. S. Dept. of the Interior
     Who goeth without humor goeth unarmed.

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