Re: attachment; filename="photo1.jpg.pif"

From: Nick FitzGerald (
Date: Tue Apr 24 2001 - 18:46:57 PDT

  • Next message: Gavin Reid: "RE: 'FrogEater'"

    Majid Almassari <majid.almassariat_private> wrote:
    > .pif (Portable Interchange Format) is a Short Cut to MS-DOS based
    > Executable Programs. It has the same effect as .exe and .bat.  ...
    Not quite.
    A "real PIF" is just a data file with a defined format.  The real
    problem is that if you rename an EXE to PIF, Windows quite happily
    runs it.  I believe the virus Win95/MTX was the first malware to
    consistently "exploit" this.
    > ...  Most
    > likely this is a Trojan such as Sub Seven.
    Indeed, but in this case it almost certainly was the new Stator virus
    (or Email worm if you must), which depends on TheBat! for its mailing
    distribution to work.
    Nick FitzGerald
    Computer Virus Consulting Ltd.
    Ph/FAX: +64 3 3529854

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