Re: Sun RPC Scans, Port 111/530/32k, slow scans

From: Jens Hektor (hektorat_private-AACHEN.DE)
Date: Tue Apr 24 2001 - 13:42:44 PDT

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    > Jason Lewis (and many others) stated:
    > Anyone else seeing an increase in SunRPC (port
    111) scans?  Several networks
    > I manage are getting scanned from lots of
    different hosts.
    our best practice is to block port 111. This has
    reduced incidents radically.
    And ...
    > From the scans that I have seen over the past 30
    days (relating to Port
    > 111 scans) typically started with a scan of Port
    111 followed by Port 530
    > and then a high port in the 32k range.
    ... I would think that most of your observed scans
    are rcpinfo-type scans
    getting this way the vulnerable service port. So
    blocking 111 is equivilant
    to a good policy implemented in
    /etc/hosts.[deny&allow] with Venema's
    Port 530 is not known particurlarly known  to me,
    but it`s one for sure a
    pretty often occuring RPC service on some
    platform. Or it's a backdoor.
    Haven't seen this until now.
    Maybe someone here of the audience can give us a clue.
    32k range is where lots of RPC service listen.
    These could also be found by avoiding
    the canonical way of finding them (rpcinfo) but by
    blind scanning the typical
    32k range.
    Slow scans: we had bind (port 53) & port 1008
    scans occuring at very low rates
    for class C networks. Specially the 1008 (unusual
    port) scans I noticed
    one or two months ago. Some time later I have seen
    us-scanning boxes
    (scanning for lpd & bind) which offer a backdoor
    on this port.
    Bye, Jens Hektor

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