
From: Ray Schneider (rayat_private)
Date: Wed May 02 2001 - 13:26:40 PDT

  • Next message: Darrin Wassom: "Re: What "methods" are being used"

    Curiousity has finally gotten the better of me. It may be that this is a
    big nothing, but i doubt it. I work for a company that shall remain nameless,
    and this company recently had a machine that started acting extremely strange
    one afternoon. It was running DNS, ypbind (which was what started the whole
    escapade), webserver, sshd, etc... I would provide more info but the box I
    believe has been recycled into the system at this point.
    The system in question was a Redhat 6.0 box if I remember correctly.
    On with the story, upon investigating the system, we discovered ls -l
    would barf on anything not owned by root, ps was puking, and ssh would not
    connect you until you sent a C^c. Strange things in and of themselves. We
    suspected a library issue. We sent this box to a nearby security firm we
    work with and they couldnt find any definite evidence of root kit. So I am
    posting here to satisfy my curiousity.
    The subject says it all really, we found about 1800 files in / directory
    with names like .SeCuRiTy#somenumber. These files seemed to be grouped in
    some manner. Running strings on them turned up nothing..
    Anyways, to cut it short, Im just really curious if anyone can tell me if
    there are any kits out there that write files in that manner to /
    it seems like a poor place to hide things to me, as when discovered they
    obviously do not belong...
    So...anyone seen these types of files before? Ive grepped most all the search
    engines but most are not case sensitive and typing security into them just
    generates lots of unrelated stuff for the most part. Some sites did come up
    when searching with some case sensitive search engines, though they tended
    to be Russian sites that I of couse could not read. ;)
    Anyways, the most anyone has ever told me is "Sounds bad" or "Seems like a
    compromise to me"... If anyone has anything more informative it would be
    Ray Schneider                  <rayat_private>

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