Noticed new unicode exploit methods

From: Brad Doctor (
Date: Sun May 06 2001 - 09:36:17 PDT

  • Next message: Eyes to the Skies.: "Re: DNS ports and scans"

    I've noticed two sun/solaris (2.6) machines in the last 24 hours running a 
    unicode exploit similar in principle to the lion worms in that they 
    generate random IP addresses, and then try to run the exploit.  The exploit 
    primarily consists of a perl script, however it also creates a .rhosts 
    within root's directory, open to the world.  The package is untarred to 
    /dev/cuc, originating from /tmp/uni.tar.  Of course, the processes do not 
    appear in normal 'ps' output, however they do appear in the root shell 
    listening on port 600.
    Both of these machines were wide open with no apparent regard for any 
    security.  If anyone is interested in the package, I have most of it, so 
    let me know if you would like it.

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