Re: DNS ports and scans

From: Eyes to the Skies. (
Date: Sat May 05 2001 - 13:18:15 PDT

  • Next message: Mark A Lewis: "RE: What "methods" are being used"

    Jason Lewis wrote:
    > DNS queries are on UDP port 53.  TCP port 53 is used for zone transfers.  By
    > blocking TCP port 53 I can't do zone transfers, but clients can still do
    > lookups on UDP 53.  Since I have blocked TCP port 53, I have seen a decrease
    > in attack attempts on my name servers, primarily because that port isn't
    > open.  I do still see scans for the DNS ports, but nothing more than a port
    > scan.
    > My question is...Can anyone come up with any pros/cons of doing this?
    > My name servers are successfully serving my domains, so I don't see a
    > downside.  Thoughts?
    Well, I run a cacheing DNS server, only for myself. I was always
    wondering how to stop it from listeing on my ppp (outside world)
    interface, since no one on the outside needs to connect to me. I
    firewalled as well.
    Today i figured out how to keep it listening only on the IPs/interfaces
    you want.
    I have a dial up box here, which runs the dns server. I have another box
    that is NAT'd as well. Anyway here's how i got it to listen only on and :
    in /etc/named.conf (this is bind8):
    in the options section:
    listen-on {;; };
    So now, it doesn't even bother to listen on the ouside world (ppp0).
    Other thoughts, if you do need it open to the outside world, would be to
    have it use a different listen port. Anything other than 53.

     ICQ UIN 1551505
     "The things you own, they end up owning you." - Tylder Durden

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