Timing of DoS and Intrusion attempts.

From: Patrick Andry (pandryat_private)
Date: Mon May 28 2001 - 07:48:17 PDT

  • Next message: James Friesen: "RE: Scanning from a "intruder.rs88.net"?"

    I am trying to get a profile of a typical DoS and intrusion attempt, and
    would like input on the times which these attacks occur.  Invariably they
    will follow Murphy's Law, being when the administrators are gone home for
    the night, or stuck in an elevator, and I understand that the Internet is a
    24/7 Superstore, but there must be some correlation to the timing of these
    	Assuming we can find some form of correlation between the time of
    the attack on both the target computer and the source computer, the possible
    damage (A DoS attack is not as effective when your target audience is
    asleep), and the type of attack, it may make it easier to guess where the
    attacker originated from, if they are relaying through a server somewhere
    else, etc...
    Any thoughts on this?
    Patrick Andry

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