How to stop a consistent cracker.

From: Yotam Rubin (yotamat_private)
Date: Sat Jun 09 2001 - 13:39:25 PDT

  • Next message: Norbert Bollow: "Re: How to stop a consistent cracker."

    	I have recently had the displeasure of reporting approximately 6
    security incidents to various .edu's. The contacted .edu's have been
    compromised by by one ^0wn^, a paradigmic script kiddie. His recent victims
    include (I do not maintain a full account of actions),,, SIDHE.MIT.EDU,
    rahul.engr.CSUFresno.EDU and This must come to an end.
    The problem is that none of the contacts were willing to pursue the matter
    legally, I advised everyone *NOT* to remove the compromised box. Some replied
    and tried to explain their motives, and some simply ignored me and removed
    the host (A good example for this is the admin of
    How can one stop this malicious user? Is it even possible when nobody is 
    willing to cooperate? Even while writing this letter, this guy is DoS'ing me 
    	Regards, Yotam Rubin

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