Re: Weird scan on port 1214

From: Greg A. Woods (woodsat_private)
Date: Fri Jun 29 2001 - 09:39:37 PDT

  • Next message: Devdas Bhagat: "Re: solaris hack info required"

    [ On Thursday, June 28, 2001 at 22:17:54 (+0300), Vangelis Haniotakis wrote: ]
    > Subject: Weird scan on port 1214
    >  Now, port 1214 is reserved for what is called  "Intelligent
    > Communications Protocol" on tcp and KAZAA on udp. I don't know what the
    > first one is, I do know that Kazaa is a file sharing thingy though.
    KAZAA is really just HTTP on a "private" port.  You can connect to it
    with any HTTP browser and get more or less meaningful results.
    >  The small packet count reminds one of a vulnerability scan. Has there
    > been any vulnerability known re: kazaa (the most probable target)?
    It's more likely they're just scanning for KAZAA servers.
    One of my clients received a copyright infringement notification from
    the Motion Picture Association Worldwide Anti-Piracy group the other day
    stating that such a client was running on a customer's machine and that
    it contained copyrighted materials.
    Whether your "scans" are from the likes of the MPA, or just from those
    trying to find files, or if there's a vulnerability in KAZAA and
    someone's trying to find targets, is anyone's guess at this point.
    What source address(es) did those connections appear to have come from?
    							Greg A. Woods
    +1 416 218-0098      VE3TCP      <gwoodsat_private>     <woodsat_private>
    Planix, Inc. <woodsat_private>;   Secrets of the Weird <woodsat_private>
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