Re: "Code Red" worm questions

From: Chris Keladis (Chris.Keladisat_private)
Date: Wed Jul 18 2001 - 10:37:04 PDT

  • Next message: Matt Power: "Re: Initial analysis of the .ida "Code Red" Worm"

    w1re p4ir wrote:
    > I've read practically everything about this worm that has been released. But there are a few questions that I have. First off, I know the first exploit was written by hsj and it used the offsets for the japanesse version of IIS. Now in this new worm, has the code been modified with US (or other) offsets to attack english versions? I have already had a call regarding a possible "break in attempt." with very little other information. I would like to be able to them either they are vulnerable to this worm or not. Thank you,
    > w1re
    The original eEye post about the idq.dll bug contains enough information on how to cause the buffer overflow.
    It could be quickly put into a perl or similar scripted language for quick tests. (You wont get a C:\> prompt,
    but if you crash IIS, it's a good indication you'll have no trouble using the appropriate exploit)
    Personally i think just having idq.dll enabled when it's not needed is a vulnerability, but thats just me..
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