RE: Possible method to prevent spread of CodeRed and other simila r wo rms

From: Frank Knobbe (FKnobbeat_private)
Date: Wed Aug 01 2001 - 11:34:25 PDT

  • Next message: McCammon, Keith: "RE: Possible method to prevent spread of CodeRed and other simila r wo rms"

    Hash: SHA1
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: dave.goldsmithat_private
    > [mailto:dave.goldsmithat_private] Sent: Wednesday, August 01,
    > 2001 12:48 PM
    > To: incidentsat_private
    > Is there normally any reason for a web server to initiate OUTBOUND
    > connections to the Internet?  If not, why not block such 
    > outbound packets?
    you're right on. That's exactly the reason I wrote a small article
    yesterday. Apparently SecurityFocus decided not to publish it to the
    list. It went along the lines that everyone (incl. CERT, SANS, etc)
    only focuses on the patch, and completely ignores to mention other
    prevent measures, like blocking outbound connections from the web
    server. (There are exceptions, like payment processing systems, DNS
    in some cases, HIDS, but the idea of limiting outbound access is
    something most everyone did not include in their bulletins). Good
    security is multi-layered security. Level 1 is the patch, level 2 are
    your mentioned firewall rules.
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