Current numbers - Code Red

From: Alfred Huger (ahat_private)
Date: Wed Aug 01 2001 - 14:14:06 PDT

  • Next message: jason: "Re: A new Code Red variant"

    So far to date we have *confirmed* reports of 37,000 infected servers.
    These are attacks from unique IP's which have been verified as actually
    performing the attacks as identified by IDS's, web logs and firewall logs
    (which contain enough data to be certain).
    We are in the process of notifying against 170,000 IP's, the differance
    (of the total sum) being hosts which were logged as possible offenders via
    machanisms which are not 100% reliable.
    Contribitors (sorry if I have forgotten you) to date are:
    Tim Winders <twindersat_private>
    Dave Laird <dlairdat_private>
    Jonathan Rickman <jonathanat_private>
    "Salisko, Rick" <SaliskoRat_private>
    Scott Wunsch <bugtraqat_private>
    filid brandy <brandyat_private>
    B. <ouwerkerk92at_private>
    Tim Hollebeek <thollebeekat_private>
    Wally Hass <wallyhassat_private>
    Scott <scottrat_private>
    Jose Nazario
    Jay D. Dyson <jdysonat_private>
    Vern Paxon <vernat_private>>
    Dave Salovesh <saloveshat_private>
    Anthony Meehan <meehanat_private
    Keith Pachulski <Keith.Pachulskiat_private>
    Manuel Durn Rodriguez" <manuel.duranat_private>
    Ford Prefect <hustonat_private>
    Ray Schneider <rayat_private>
    Dino Amato <slayer67at_private>
    Ken Eichman <keichmanat_private>
    Blake Frantz <blakeat_private>
    Craig Davison <cdat_private>
    Arjen De Landgraaf <>
    VP Engineering
    "Vae Victis"
    This list is provided by the SecurityFocus ARIS analyzer service.
    For more information on this free incident handling, management 
    and tracking system please see:

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Wed Aug 01 2001 - 14:20:18 PDT