Re: I will start posting summaries.

From: Ken Lyon (kenat_private)
Date: Wed Aug 01 2001 - 12:36:22 PDT

  • Next message: andrew: "Apache Logs and Code Red"

    Just a note I might have missed in the message traffic:
    Those using grep/etc looking for .ida? in the IIS Logs will be missing some entries.
    These are also showing up with "?" replace by a "," and a leading _space_ for
    the Ns - also the ending is different. A "," has been added after the "a"
    in010801.log:, -, 8/1/01, 14:41:53, W3SVC24, XXXXX,, 750, 4039, 604, 404, 2, GET, /default.ida, NNNNNNN
    Is IIS transposing this?
    I have these in different logs:
    .ida, NNN...
    .ida NNN...
    This is just for the IIS logs.
    I you use the SNORT Rules Jim Forester posted a bit ago, it _should_ get all
    variations, yes?
    alert tcp any any -> any 80 (msg: "CodeRed Defacement Detected"; flags: A+;
    content: "|FF8B8D64 FEFFFF0F BE1185D2 7402EBD3|"; depth:64;)
    alert tcp any any -> any 80 (msg: "CodeRed Overflow Detected"; dsize: >239;
    flags: A+; content:"|2F646566 61756C74 2E696461 3F4E4E4E|"; depth:64;)
    Ken Lyon
    Network Operations Manager (NOM!) - Vortex Technologies, Inc.
    Voice: +1 732.918.6004 / FAX: +1 732.918.6005
    "..It don't mean a thing if you cain't get that Ping...."
    Duke Ellington, 1932
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