CRv2 August 1st dynamics

From: Stuart Staniford (stuartat_private)
Date: Wed Aug 01 2001 - 18:06:13 PDT

  • Next message: Paul Gear: "Re: Code red probe followed by udp port 10x"

    For the July 19th Code Red incident, I posted a theory of the worm that said it
    had random spread with a spread rate of about 1.8 hosts per hour, and showed
    this analytic model approximately accounted for the observed growth in the worm
    probe rate.
    I applied the same model in a quick first-cut analysis to today's events, and
    again it seems to fit except with a lower spread rate of about 0.7 hosts per
    hour.  The worm has now pretty much saturated.  This suggests that there were a
    little less than half as many vulnerable hosts as last time.
    This is an interesting way of working with these incidents, as I was able to
    estimate the spread rate fairly well before there was any sign of saturation,
    and thereby predict approximately when it would saturate, and approximately how
    many hosts would get compromised relative to last time.
    The graphs are at
    Stuart Staniford     ---     President     ---     Silicon Defense
             ** Silicon Defense: Technical Support for Snort **
    (707) 445-4355 x 16                           (707) 445-4222 (FAX)
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