RE: disinfection tool

From: Mark Ng (marknat_private)
Date: Mon Aug 06 2001 - 05:19:52 PDT

  • Next message: Emory Wood: "Re: CodeRedII worm.."

    Perhaps a very controversial viewpoint is using the backdoor installed by the 
    copycat code red worm to patch these systems.  The majority of sysadmins who 
    by now haven't patched (or unmapped the script mappings from) their systems 
    are mostly ignorant anyway.  Perhaps a couple of honeypot systems built to 
    automatically connect back, patch and reboot.
    The only issue that creates is the problem of transparent proxies.  Not sure 
    how you'd solve that one.
    This may eventually be the only way of actually getting rid of code red 
    completely.  If we live in a an ideal world, we'd eventually get the idiots 
    to listen.  However, I find that unlikely.
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