Code Red(s) being confused with sadmind/IIS worm?

From: Stephen W. Thompson (thompsonat_private)
Date: Thu Aug 09 2001 - 14:09:40 PDT

  • Next message: Reeves, Michael (GEAE, Compaq): "DHCP, ARP, oh my Anyone know of an exploit that dupes ARP on wind ows 95?"

    Follow my line of thinking here.
    In many cases, we're getting reports of Code Red for machines that are
    not running Win2k -- Win9x or a unix variant.  We jump to the
    conclusion that the reports were in error.
    However, lots of the reports are not coming from signature-checking
    sources (e.g., IDS), but rather are simply seen to be hitting port
    80/tcp on a machine that isn't a (perhaps public) webserver.
    So are a lot of the reports simply a distraction?  I don't think so.
    I've noticed we have a good amount of the sadmind/IIS worm presence on
    our network.  (See for
    one writeup.)  Recall that this is the worm that hits Solaris boxes
    with a sadmind buffer overflow, and then those machines go after IIS
    with a Unicode directory traversal vulnerability.
    If I'm correct, that implies a) sadmind/IIS is more prevalent than
    we'd realized and, possibly b) that there might be a variant of
    sadmind/IIS that succeeds on non-Solaris machines unlike the original
    variant.  Any corroboration on (b) from anyone?
    En paz,
    Steve, (tired) security analyst
    Stephen W. Thompson, UPenn, ISC Information Security, 215-898-1236, WWW has PGP
    thompsonat_private    URL=
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