for all those wondering - CRII has a bug!

From: corecode (corecodeat_private)
Date: Sun Aug 12 2001 - 16:47:32 PDT

  • Next message: Dean Cunningham: "RE: IKE /HTTP exploit???"

    hello ppl!
    i just received some crippeled CodeRed II into my honeypot and i am sure 
    somebody else has also noticed that:
    - overall length of the attack is the same
    - request method and start of url is missing (ie. GET /default?XXX...)
    - but some additional headers added
    i was curious about this issue and checked my analysis once again:
    seg000:000003CE call    $+5                 ; get current pos
    seg000:000003D3 pop     eax
    seg000:000003D4 sub     eax, 3D3h           ; get start of worm
    seg000:000003D9 push    0                   ; flags = 0
    seg000:000003DB push    3818                ; len
    seg000:000003E0 push    eax                 ; start of wormcode (including 
    seg000:000003E1 push    dword ptr [ebp+sock]
    seg000:000003E4 call    dword ptr [ebp+send]; send us
    and found a major bug in this code:
    the worm calculates the start pos (that should be the request) always from 
    the  current eip. but if a trasparent proxy was in the way and added some 
    headers, the overall length of the received worm is more than 3818 bytes.
    thus, the worm will fail to get it's real start (GET /default.ida?XX) and 
    will instead start somewhere inside the request.
    these worms can't reproduce themselves, of course.
    that is: every worm that went through a proxy that will add headers is 
    unable to reproduce itself. this could be a countermeasure!
    just FYI
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