What if CodeRed encoded it's HTTP requests?

From: Nuno Mendes (nmendesat_private)
Date: Mon Aug 20 2001 - 05:27:17 PDT

  • Next message: Ryan Russell: "Re: What if CodeRed encoded it's HTTP requests?"

    Hi all,
    I was just checking how many CodeRed I and II attempts I had on my Linux
    based Apache server, and figuring out what if a new version of the worm
    encoded 'degault.ida' in hexadecimal? Or even the data that causes the
    buffer overflow?
    It seems a lot of tools are based on 'default.ida' string.... aren't they?
    Nuno Mendes
    Email: nmendesat_private
    GSM: +351 966026703
    GeP, Lda. - Consultoria em Sistemas de Informação
    Rua Marcos Portugal, 4 R/C Dto
    1495-091 Algés
    Tel.: +351 214139210/1
    Fax: +351 214139212
    Email: gepat_private
    Web: http://www.gep.pt
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