Large scale scan of port 2401

From: Aaron (lilnickat_private)
Date: Tue Aug 21 2001 - 16:55:43 PDT

  • Next message: Konrad Michels: "24 hour strobes from 10.0.x.x"

    	Yesterday we were hit by a scan of our entire /16 looking
    (presumably) for hosts with port 2401 open, any ideas what vulerability
    this might be looking for? As best I can tell, CVS uses that port but I'm
    not aware of any particularly recent vulerabilities related to this. Below
    are a few packets for review, the source was a single Asia Pac host. Many
    of our hosts were hit up to 10 times with the same scan, all scans to a
    particular host came within a second or two.
    A quick web browse to this host yields a page with the following:
    MNS Hacked Your System
    UID=0(Root) GID=0(Root)
    Twe4k Greetz: Sense, Xentric
    For Contact: MNSSecureat_private
    Yes, I've notified the appropriate parties... just trying to get more
    #(3 - 126682) [2001-08-20 19:26:55]  spp_stream4: STEALTH ACTIVITY (SYN
    FIN scan) detection
    IPv4: -> yyy.yyy.yyy.86
          hlen=5 TOS=0 dlen=40 ID=39426 flags=0 offset=0 TTL=24 chksum=41707
    TCP:  port=2401 -> dport: 2401  flags=******SF seq=541615222
          ack=596132070 off=5 res=0 win=1028 urp=0 chksum=18956
    Payload: none
    #(3 - 125059) [2001-08-20 19:26:42]  spp_stream4: STEALTH ACTIVITY (SYN
    FIN scan) detection
    IPv4: -> yyy.yyy.yyy.206
          hlen=5 TOS=0 dlen=40 ID=39426 flags=0 offset=0 TTL=17 chksum=44147
    TCP:  port=2401 -> dport: 2401  flags=******SF seq=1283850951
          ack=886489455 off=5 res=0 win=1028 urp=0 chksum=61485
    Payload: none
    #(3 - 126136) [2001-08-20 19:26:47]  spp_stream4: STEALTH ACTIVITY (SYN
    FIN scan) detection
    IPv4: -> yyy.yyy.yyy.205
          hlen=5 TOS=0 dlen=40 ID=39426 flags=0 offset=0 TTL=11 chksum=45428
    TCP:  port=2401 -> dport: 2401  flags=******SF seq=830168929
          ack=2092976059 off=5 res=0 win=1028 urp=0 chksum=57193
    Payload: none
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