Warning & Indicators - Cyber Conflict

From: Ben N. Venzke (bvenzkeat_private)
Date: Wed Sep 12 2001 - 11:10:21 PDT

  • Next message: H C: "Re: Any one seen any evidence of "Code Blue?""

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    The below points deal with the emerging cyber conflict tied the 11 
    Sept. 2001 terrorist attacks. At this point it is emerging only. I'm 
    keeping my fingers crossed that this does not escalate further, but 
    in case it does, here is what to look for and some points for 
    If you see any traffic you believe is related to this, I'm very interested.
    			- Ben Venzke
    What to Look For/How a Cyber Conflict Develops
    1. Event Occurs
    2. Email traffic among concerned individuals picks-up.
    3. Discussion boards and chat rooms light up.
    4. Purpose-built lists and online communities formed to discuss the event.
    5. Intelligence collection and targeting.
    6. Organized groups formed to carry out attacks.
    7. Known tools deployed or slightly modified.
    8. Public and private attack tracks begin.
    9. Purpose-built attack tools released.
    10. Dedicated perception management campaign launched.
    11. More sophisticated attacks that required preparation time launched.
    12. Additional groups and supporters from around the world rally to the cause.
    13. Behind the scenes infrastructure targets and other indirectly 
    connected organizations hit.
    14. Continued evolution of attack tools and tactics.
    Points for Consideration
    - - The potential cyber conflict has the ability to escalate without 
    the support of nation-state actors.
    - - Never before have nations had to deal with patriotic populations 
    that have the ability to launch potentially damaging strikes against 
    another country on their own initiative. This new development raises 
    a significant number of issues that will continue to complicate 
    international relations for the near future. What if a targeted 
    country refuses to believe it's a 17-year-old kid and considers an 
    attack an act of state-sponsored Information Warfare? How do you stop 
    patriotic activists in your own country from launching attacks 
    against a foreign country to right a perceived wrong? How does a 
    country under cyber siege from another's citizens, not the 
    government, respond? In the past, the fact that not everyone had an 
    ICBM sitting in their living room or a B-2 bomber parked in their 
    driveway prevented individual citizens from launching their own 
    attacks. These same barriers don't exist in the cyber realm.
    - - A certain portion of the attackers will believe passionately in 
    their cause while others will be involved just because it seems like 
    a cool thing to do.
    - - Due to the context of these types of conflicts, some hackers and 
    others that consider themselves to be "ethical" find justification 
    for crossing lines they normally wouldn't, consequently enhancing the 
    talent pool available to both sides. An individual might be unwilling 
    to crack a system for criminal profit but avenging the death of a 
    fellow countryman or launching a counterstrike falls into a different 
    - - During periods like this, NOT ALL activity originating from either 
    party and targeting the other necessarily has anything to do with the 
    current tensions.
    - - The level of sophistication of the participants on both sides is 
    likely to run the gauntlet from extremely skilled to knowing how to 
    do no more than surf to a web page and click on a few buttons.
    - - Participants will range from organized groups to lone actors.
    - - Attackers with other motives (criminal profit, etc.) may try to 
    launch attacks designed to be lost in the background noise generated 
    by current tensions or direct suspicions to another party.
    - - We are going to continue to see more of this type of cyber-based 
    protest/action/conflict in the future when tensions in the physical 
    realm rise.
    Developments So Far
    - - Shortly after 11 Sept. terrorist attacks "US supporters" began 
    posting messages on bulletin boards calling for attacks and posting 
    target intelligence. The targets so far are Arab networks and sites 
    specific to Muslim extremist groups.
    Lessons Learned from the Israeli-Palestinian Cyber Conflict
    - - There are two classes of targets. Targets of opportunity can 
    include anything from non-profit organizations and mom-and-pop shops 
    to multinational corporations and government agencies. If systems are 
    vulnerable and picked up in a scan, problems can be expected. The 
    second class of targets are made up of those that are specifically 
    targeted either because they are high-profile, the attackers 
    perception of what they represent, or services they provide to 
    another organization.
    - - Targets range from web sites, DNS servers, chat rooms, bulletin 
    boards, FTP sites, ISP infrastructure, closed databases, e-commerce 
    servers and a wide range of others.
    - - While web page defacements and some other actions are public by 
    their very nature, this does not mean that strikes are restricted to 
    these types of attacks only. During the Israeli-Palestinian Cyber 
    Conflict, groups would launch very public denial of service campaigns 
    and defacements while behind the scenes working with skilled crackers 
    to gain root access to targeted systems. It is important to 
    understand the public actions and how they relate to your operations 
    and then raise your vigilance to deal with the lone actor or silent 
    group that is likely to attempt the more sophisticated attack.
    - -- 
    Voice (703) 370-2962
    Fax (703) 370-1571
    Email - informationat_private
    Web - http://www.intelcenter.com
    PGP Public Key - available upon request
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    Alexandria, VA 22304-9257
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