A suggestion to Concept/Nimda analysts

From: Stuart Staniford (stuartat_private)
Date: Tue Sep 18 2001 - 11:04:31 PDT

  • Next message: Don Weber: "is this new"

    Given the timing of the launch of this thing (almost exactly a week after
    the WTC attack), it seems important to understand the payload as quickly as
    possible.  I suggest looking for time-based switches in the code.  If it
    were to have some damage mode, it might well spread for a while and then
    switch to causing some other kind of damage.  So looking at the code right
    after a call to get the system time might be very valuable.
    Stuart Staniford     ---     President     ---     Silicon Defense
             ** Silicon Defense: Technical Support for Snort **
    mailto:stuartat_private  http://www.silicondefense.com/
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