Re: Nimda on Mac?

From: Kee Hinckley (nazgulat_private)
Date: Fri Sep 21 2001 - 09:24:47 PDT

  • Next message: Portnoy, Gary: "Yet Another Nimda Thread (YANT)"

    Hash: SHA1
    At 12:22 PM +0200 9/21/01, johan.augustssonat_private wrote:
    >I recived a mail from a Mac user that claimed that Nimda has infected
    >Macs and started to distribute the worm via mail. The user refered to a
    >post at where Mike Breeden claims that his
    >Mac was infected. How is this possible? I can understand that the IE for
    >Mac has the same MIME bug as the one for Windows, but how could Nimda
    >start an SMTP engine for Windows on a Mac to distribute mail?
    There was a similar post on MacFixit to which I sent a correction 
    this morning. What's happening is that people are receiving copies of 
    bounced email that contains the Virus, so they think that they are 
    infected.  In fact Nimda was using their email address as a forged 
    return address because it was in the address book of someone who was 
    infected.  I recommend that anyone who receives Nimda via email use a 
    tool such as or 
    to track down the actual sender's IP address (or just read the 
    Received headers).  You can't rely on the UA-generated email headers.
    Nimda *can* corrupt Macintosh files if the Macintosh exports a share 
    (via a product such as Dave, which provides PC file sharing services 
    for the Mac).  But those files won't execute on a Mac.
    - -- 
    Kee Hinckley - Somewhere.Com, LLC
    nazgulat_private (or ...!alice!nazgul for time travelers :-)
    I'm not sure which upsets me more: that people are so unwilling to accept
    responsibility for their own actions, or that they are so eager to regulate
    everyone else's.
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