RE: Yet Another Nimda Thread (YANT)

From: Jose Nazario (joseat_private)
Date: Fri Sep 21 2001 - 11:22:52 PDT

  • Next message: Steve Cody: "Nimda probes from way off IP addresses"

    On Fri, 21 Sep 2001, Andrew Blevins wrote:
    > Still getting attempts over here, but only about three to five a
    > second, instead of 70. We're on the 209.242 block.
    it continues unabated here. the only slowdowns we have been seeing are due
    to the filters we're putting in place and the fact that people are
    (slowly) cleaning their damned systems up.
    for instance, on our local network (129.22/16) we're filtering identified
    infected machines at the nearest subnet router. this has dramatically
    lowered the total number of hits on servers in any one subnet. for
    instance, today by this time (1pm GMT-5) we're down from 33 uniq hosts in
    the past three days to 4 so far today, only two of which are local
    here's a small script for apache machines to identify the hosts on your
    network which are nimda infected. tailor the "tail -NNNN" to suit your
    site's hitrate, and it assumes the default apache logfile format.
    # run me in your apache logfile directory
    # jose nazario joseat_private 21sep01
    for i in `tail -20000 access_log | grep \.exe | awk '{print $1}' | sort |\
     TIME=`grep $i access_log | tail -1 | awk '{print $4" "$5}'`
     echo $i"       "$TIME
    this will spit out answers in this form:	[21/Sep/2001:06:39:59 -0400]
    hope this helps some of you.
    jose nazario						     joseat_private
    	      	     PGP: 89 B0 81 DA 5B FD 7E 00  99 C3 B2 CD 48 A0 07 80
    				       PGP key ID 0xFD37F4E5 (
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