Nimda probes from way off IP addresses

From: Steve Cody (securityat_private)
Date: Fri Sep 21 2001 - 11:20:52 PDT

  • Next message: Tracey Losco: "Re: Yet Another Nimda Thread (YANT)"

    It has been my understanding that the Nimda probes to web servers were
    always from nearby IP address blocks.  I was reviewing the history of
    the scans on my apache server and noticed something strange with the
    My address is in 216.x.x.x.  I received probes from 468 unique IP's.
    The probes to my web server started at 18/Sep/2001:09:24:22 EST, and
    they continue until this hour, and have yet to cease.
    205.x.x.x - 1 Host
    206.x.x.x - 1 Host
    207.x.x.x - 2 Hosts
    208.x.x.x - 1 Host
    209.x.x.x - 3 Hosts
    216.x.x.x - 457 Hosts
    63.x.x.x - 1 Host
    64.x.x.x - 1 Host
    65.x.x.x - 1 Host
    Why the probes from the 63, 64, 65 blocks?  Their signature definitely
    appears to be Nimda.
    Can someone explain?
    Steve Cody
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